Please note that some values may not appear or may be out of order until you reach the secret camp early in the game. You may have to earn some of the item before it shows up in the editor. Note the editor will still DISPLAY the current value, but you cannot edit it in the editor.įor Currency, enter a SHOP or click STORE and note the value. You will need to use the Trainer Options versions of these to set the values. Please note some EDITOR functions have been moved to TRAINER functions due to the way the game stores data. The single launcher works for both Uplay and Uplay Plus versions.įor Editor options, for Progression you need to enter the place where you see your Skill Points total (usually the SKILLS icon menu). Run the launcher, and once the game is at main menu, you can activate the trainer. Once the game is started, THEN you can use the trainer.Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\games\Ghost Recon Breakpoint You should put the launcher in the same directory as the game and then run the launcher. We included a launcher with this trainer. This game comes with software called BattlEye which will prevent you from using the trainer if you run the game normally. ONCE THE GAME HAS RUN ONCE, THEN USE THE LAUNCHER! USE VERIFY FILES IN UPLAY TO FIX THE GAME IF IT WONT RUN. MAKE SURE YOU RUN THE GAME ONCE WITHOUT OUR LAUNCHER TO MAKE SURE IT IS RUNNING NORMALLY. Subtract: Teleport To Homesteaders Secret Locationį3: Craft Items - Rations Ingredient Multiplier NumPad6: Unlimited Consumable - Items - Grenades NumPad5: Unlimited Scope Focus Hold Breath

All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.