Mini DisplayPort: Last is the Mini Display port.Dell has myriad models that support HDMI, but one popular option is the P2419H. HDMI: All MacBook Pros introduced between 20 include an HDMI port, so these can plug directly into any Dell monitor that has an HDMI input.Some popular Dell models with USB-C include the UltraSharp U2720Q and the UltraSharp U2722DE. USB-C: On the MacBook Pro 2016 and newer models, your only IO ports are Thunderbolt 3-enabled USB-C ports (or, for the 2021 MacBook Pros, Thunderbolt 4), so to use this method with any recent MacBook Pro, your Dell monitor must have a USB-C input.Step 1: Verify your monitor has an input that corresponds to your MacBook Pro.

This method is the simplest as it requires the least amount of hardware and time commitment.

What’s the best cable to use? Do you need special software? We’ve got you covered! If you’ve recently acquired a Dell monitor or are planning to repurpose an existing one for use with your MacBook Pro, you might be wondering how to connect the Mac to the display. As an Amazon Associate, We earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.