SparTask - Windows taskbar replacement for focusing on specific task, allows putting only necessary icons.LuaCUE - Corsair Utility Engine module for Lua written in C++.Love2D Framework - Framework with GUI, timers and texture loading libraries based on GMod API.UniBot - Bot written in Lua with VK API that gives information about the schedule, next lesson and other things.University admission advisor - Bot written in Lua with VK API that downloads lists of applicants from different universities with my specialization, parses them and calculates the chance to pass.Server is dead, but libraries can be used/refactored.

My GMod Libraries - Public libraries I made for my GMod server.RemPos - GMod C++ module that connects iOS app with GMod and brings acceleration and gyroscope data.GodSentTools - Series of GMod addons, mainly for art and moviemakers.discordia-slash - Discordia's extension for slash commands.My Discordia Libraries - Public part of Toolgun bot run in Garry's Mod official Discord server + Lua minidump read library.luamemprof - Memory profiler module for Lua and LuaJIT.See the concept for the future version ( 0.1 version can be already used). LLLua - My language I plan to develop.LuaJIT Benchmarks - A page about optimizing Lua by benchmarking several variants of the same code and finding the best one (among them).