The trade-off for this simple approach, however, are a couple of game-feel issues that pop up as a result of the jump code. And an updated one for Gamemaker Studio 2. We’ve provided a variety of tutorials that cover several game genres so there’s guaranteed to be something in here for everyone. The original tutorial for Gamemaker Studio. To get started learning this incredible program we have this list of tutorials on GameMaker so you can dive right into creating your dream game as soon as possible. It also has its own scripting language- Game Maker Language-that can be used to create almost anything. With cross-platform support this program can deploy to every major platform, saving developers time by giving them access to several markets simultaneously. It’s now supported by a sizable community of 2D game developers with new devs joining all the time. Hit titles like Hotline Miami and Hyper Light Drifter have helped popularize GameMaker. With its drag-and-drop interface and a host of features, GameMaker simply makes game development easy. GameMaker Studio is a powerful 2D engine developed by YoYo Games. That means if you buy something we get a small commission at no extra cost to you( learn more)

Resources Game Design Written by Josh Petty Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links.